Principles of Remote Sensing & GIS

Principles of Remote Sensing & GIS

Course Overview

In this course students are going to be introduced to the basic concepts and operational skills necessary to acquire the most appropriate remote sensing data, data manipulation and analysis, and the production of interpretable output. It provides students with an introduction to the principles of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS). The application of these techniques to the environmental and life sciences also will be provided. The first part of the course focuses on remote sensing, including the capture and processing of satellite images, and how data from various satellite platforms are used in the environmental and life sciences. While the second part will include the structure and format of GIS data, data input and transformation, database compilation, and the use of spatial modelling. The course is strongly computer-based, and students will gain experience in the use of ENVI (remote sensing) and ArcGIS (GIS) software.

Course Objective

Student's Obligation

Student must follow and read the lectures day by day and have to show the ability of understanding the topic through the Lab and the projects. Moreover, Students will be responsible for information covered in the assigned readings and materials covered during lectures. Students will be expected to complete the specified assignments during or outside of the designated laboratory and lecture periods as necessary.

Assessment Scheme

Student Learning Outcome

At the end of the Remote Sensing & GIS course students should:

Lectures and Materials

Landsat Image of Zakho district, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Reading List and References