GIS Applications in Forestry
GIS Applications in Forestry
Course Overview
This course provides students with an introduction to the principles of geographic information systems (GIS). The application of these techniques to the forestry and environmental sciences also will be provided. Moreover, this course will introduce students to the principles of spatial data in their personal life as well as applications of GIS across various topics in forestry. Major components of the course include computer representation of geographic information, the basics of GIS databases, spatial analysis with GIS, and application areas of GIS. In general, the course introduces the hardware and software components of GIS and reviews its applications. Topics include data structures and basic functions, methods of data capture and sources of data, and the nature and characteristics of spatial data and objects. The course is strongly computer-based, and students will gain experience in the use of ArcGIS.
Course Objective
To introduce students to the fundamentals of GIS, and demonstrate present applications of the technology in integrated & applied sciences including forestry and studies;
To become familiar with ArcGIS desktop software, and basic introductory technical skills in this software;
Gain experience in the applications of remote sensing and GIS for solving problems in the environmental and life sciences.
Student's Obligation
Student must follow and read the lectures day by day and have to show the ability of understanding the topic through the Lab and the projects. Moreover, Students will be responsible for information covered in the assigned readings and materials covered during lectures. Students will be expected to complete the specified assignments during or outside of the designated laboratory and lecture periods as necessary.
Assessment Scheme
Students will be responsible for information covered in the assigned readings and materials covered during lectures.
Students will be expected to complete the specified assignments during or outside of the designated laboratory and lecture periods as necessary.
Exams emphasize material from the lecture component of the course, but students also will be responsible for material covered in laboratories.
The following is a summary of the assignments, and exams.
Student Learning Outcome
At the end of the GIS Application in Forestry course students should:
......... be able to understand the concepts of GIS;
......... be familiar with ground, air, and satellite based sensor platforms;
......... be able to select and apply an appropriate data manipulation and visualization methods for a number of Earth Science applications, including GIS;
......... be able to plot, map, and interpret, Earth Science data and present the results in an organized and concise fashion;
......... be able to design and implement a GIS project;
......... be able to demonstrate competency with the ArcMap software to enhance and interpret data;
......... be able to use queries in GIS Analysis;
......... be able to formulate applications of GIS technology.
Lectures and Materials
Reading List and References
de By, R. A., Knippers, R. A., Weir, M. J. C., Georgiadou, Y., Kraak, M. J., Westen, C. J. V., et al. (2004). Principles of Geographical Information Systems: An introductory textbook (3rd ed. Vol. 1). Enschede: ITC.
Johnston, K., Ver Hoef, J. M., Krivoruchko, K., & Lucas, N. (2001). Using ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. New York: ESRI Press.
Köhl, M., Magnussen, S., & Marchetti, M. (2006). Sampling methods, remote sensing and GIS multiresource forest inventory. Berlin ; London: Springer.
Krygier, J., & Wood, D. (2005). Making maps: a visual guide to map design for GIS. New York: Guilford Press.