
Journal Articles

Hendaf N. Habeeb, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, "Deep Learning-Based Prediction of Forest Cover Change in Duhok, Iraq: Past and Future," Forestist, 75, 0068, 2025.  

Hendaf N. Habeeb, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, "Analyzing the Impact of Geoenvironmental Factors on the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forest Cover via Random Forest," Earth, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2025.  

Rebar Tahseen Mzuri, Kaiwan K. Fatah, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Identification of Flood-Prone Areas Using Geo-informatics: A Case Study of Erbil City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Iraqi Geological Journal (IGJ), Vol 57, No. 2C, 2024.

Kaiwan K. Fatah, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Imaddadin O. Hassan, “Groundwater potential mapping in arid and semi-arid regions of Kurdistan region of Iraq: A geoinformatics-based machine learning approach,"  Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 101337 (2024). 

Hendaf N. Habeeb, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, "Deep learning approaches for estimating forest vegetation cover and exploring influential ecosystem factors", Earth Science Informatics, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2024

Abdullah A. Abdullah, Masoud M. Hassan, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, "Leveraging Bayesian deep learning and ensemble methods for uncertainty quantification in image classification: A ranking-based approach", Heliyon, Vol. 10, No. 2, P. e24188. 2024.

Islam S. Khurshed, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Mohammed A. Fayyadh, “Assessing Spatial Patterns of Surface Soil Moisture and Vegetation Cover in Batifa, Kurdistan Region - Iraq: Machine Learning Approach”, IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 130406-130417, 2023.

Abdulqadeer Rash, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Rahel Hamad, "Quantitative assessment of Land use/land cover changes in a developing region using machine learning algorithms: A case study in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq", Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 11, p. e21253. 2023

Halmat S. Khalaf, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Mohammed A. Fayyadh, "Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Matter in Northern Iraq: Machine Learning Approach", Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 19, 2023. 

Wassfi H. Sulaiman, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, "Geospatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation Using AHP–GIS to Delineate Groundwater Potential Zones in Zakho Basin, Kurdistan Region, Iraq", Earth, Vol. 4, No. 3:  655-677, 2023. 

Abdullah A Abdullah, Masoud M Hassan, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Uncertainty Quantification for MLP-Mixer Using Bayesian Deep Learning“, Applied Sciences Vol. 13, No. 7: 4547, 2023.

Bushra S. Yousif, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Mohammed A. Fayyadh, “Digital mapping of soil-texture classes in Batifa, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, using machine-learning models“, Earth Sci Inform (2023).

Kaiwan K. Fatah, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Imaddadin O. Hassan, “Geoinformatics-based frequency ratio, analytic hierarchy process and hybrid models for landslide susceptibility zonation in Kurdistan Region, Northern Iraq“, Eniron. Dev. Sustain (2023).

Kaiwan K. Fatah, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Imaddadin O. Hassan, “Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process Model Based on Remote Sensing and GIS Approaches in Akre District, Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Iraqi Geological Journal (IGJ), Vol 55, No. 2C, 2022.

Rebar Tahseen Mzuri, Abdulla Amir Omar, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Changes in Duhok District, Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Iraqi Geological Journal (IGJ), Vol 55, No. 2C, 2022.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Vigorous 3D Angular Resection Model Using Levenberg – Marquardt Method”, Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, Vol 3, No. 1, 2022.

Abdullah A Abdullah, Masoud M Hassan, and Yaseen T. Mustafa,  “A Review on Bayesian Deep Learning in Healthcare: Applications and Challenges”, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 36538-36562, 2022.

Wassfi Sulaiman, Hazhir Karimi, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “A GIS-based AHP Method for Groundwater Potential Zone Assessment: A Review”, Journal of Geoinformatics & Environmental Research, Vol 2, No. 2, 2021.

Rebar Tahseen Mzuri, Yaseen T. Mustafa, and Abdulla Amir Omar, “Land Degradation assessment using AHP and GIS-based modeling in Duhok District, Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Geocarto International, Vol. 37, No. 25, 2021.

Zilan Adil, Sarab Jabbar, Ramadhan H Sulaiman, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hazhir Karimi, “Land Suitability Analysis for Identifying Industrial Zones in Duhok District, Kurdistan Region of Iraq”, Journal of Civil Engineering Frontiers (JoCEF), Vol 02, No. 02, 2021.

Mosa Ibrahim, Hazhir Karimi, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Mohammad Hassan, “Mapping Ecosystem Service: Challenges and Solutions”, Journal of Geoinformatics & Environmental Research (JGIER), Vol 02, No. 1, 2021.

Rebar Tahseen Mzuri, Abdulla Amir Omar, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Vegetation Cover and Its Response to Terrain and Climate Factors in Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Iraqi Geological Journal (IGJ), Vol 54, No. 1A, 2021.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Vegetation Cover in Kurdistan Region-Iraq using MODIS Image Data”, Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends, Vol. 1, No.1, 2020.

Mohammed H. Obeyed, Zaki M. Akrawee, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration for Natural Stands of Quercus Aegilops in Duhok Province”, Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 51, No.1, 2020.

Shaheen A. Abdulkareem,  Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Tatiana Filatova, Katarzyna Musial, and Yaseen T. Mustafa,  “Risk perception and behavioral change during epidemics: Comparing models of individual and collective learning”, PloS one, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2020. 

Shaheen A. Abdulkareem, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Ellen-Wien Augustijn and Tatiana Filatova, “Bayesian networks for spatial learning: a workflow on using limited survey data for intelligent learning in spatial agent-based models”, GeoInformatica, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2019. 

Shaheen A. Abdulkareem, Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Yaseen T. Mustafa and Tatiana Filatova, “Intelligent judgements over health risks in a spatial agent-based model”, International Journal of Health Geographics, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2018.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Tariq K. Salih, and Mohammed H. Obeyed, “Estimating of Diameter at Breast Height for Scattered Pinus brutia ten. Trees using Remote Sensing Techniques, in Zawita Sub-District, Duhok, Kurdistan Region – Iraq”, Journal of University of Duhok, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hendaf N. Habeeb, “Landsat LDCM Imagery for Estimating and Mapping Burned Forest Areas Caused By Jet Attacks in Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region – Iraq”, Journal of University of Duhok, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2016.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hindav N. Habeeb, Alfred Stein, Farooq Y. Sulaiman. “Identification and mapping of tree species in urban areas using WorldView-2 imagery”. ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., II-2/W2, 175-181, 2015.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, and Alfred Stein, “Improvement of spatio-temporal growth estimates in heterogeneous forests using Gaussian Bayesian networks”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 4980 – 4991, 2014.

Hindav N. Habeeb, Yaseen T. Mustafa, “High Spatial Resolution WorldView-2 Imagery for Mapping and Classification of Tree Species in Zawita Sub-district, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq”, Journal of University of Duhok, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2014.

Nadhir Al-Ansari, Mawada Abdellatif, Saleh Zakaria, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Sven Knutsson, “Future Prospects for Macro Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) Technique in North East Iraq”, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 6, No. 5, 2014.

Mohamad J. Noori, Hussein H. Hassan, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Spatial estimation of rainfall distribution and its classification in Duhok Governorate using GIS”, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2014.

Saleh Zakaria, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Diary A. Mohammed, Salahalddin Saeed Ali, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Sven Knutsson “Estimation of annual harvested runoff at Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Kurdistan region of Iraq”, Natural Science, Vol. 5, No. 12, 2013.

Saleh Zakaria, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Yaseen T. Mustafa, M. D. J. Alshibli, Sven Knutsson “Macro Rain Water Harvesting Network to Estimate Annual Runoff at Koysinjaq (Koya) District, Kurdistan Region of Iraq”, Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 12, 2013.

Saleh Zakaria, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Sven Knutsson, Payman Suhbat Ahmad, Bahra Dhahir Ghafour “Rainwater Harvesting at Koysinjaq (Koya), Kurdistan Region, Iraq”, Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Mohamad J. Noori “Satellite remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) to assess changes in the water level in the Duhok dam”, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 6, 2013.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Satellite Remote Sensing for Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Heterogeneous Forests”, International Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2013.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Rebar T. Ali, and Razwan M.S. NajmAldeen,“Monitoring and evaluating land cover change in the Duhok city, Kurdistan region-Iraq, by using remote sensing and GIS”, International Journal of Engineering Inventions, Vol. 1, No. 12, 2012.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, and Alfred Stein, “Application of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm to Estimate Missing Values in Gaussian Bayesian Network Modeling for Forest Growth,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50, pp. 1821-1831, 2012.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Alfred Stein, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, and Patrick E. Van Laake, “Improving forest growth estimates using a Bayesian network approach,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 78, pp. 45-51, 2012.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, and Alfred Stein, “Application of the EM-algorithm for Bayesian Network Modelling to Improve Forest Growth Estimates,” Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 74-79, 2011.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Patrick E. Van Laake, and Alfred Stein, “Bayesian Network Modeling for Improving Forest Growth Estimates,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp.639-649, 2011.

Shaker Rasheed and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “Solving System of a Linear Fractional Differential Equations by Using Laplace Transformation”, Al-Rafiden Journal of Computer and Mathematics, Vol. 21, No. 2., 2008.

Yaseen T. Mustafa and Fadhil H. Easif, “On Limit Cycles of a Certain Quintic System”, Journal of Duhok University, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2006.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, “On Lopsided Heptagonal System”, Journal of Duhok University, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2005.

Fadhil H. Easif and Yaseen T. Mustafa, “On limit cycles of a certain Lopsided octagonal System”, Journal of Duhok University, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2005.


Conference Proceedings

Hadis Fattahi, Hazhir Karimi, Samira Amiri, Shohreh Heshmati, Fatemeh Hosseini, Hooshyar Hossini, and Yaseen T. Mustafa (2020). Decolorization of Crystal Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Electrofenton Process. Presented at: 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 October 2019. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Volume 737.

M Pirsaheb, M Nouri, Hazhir Karimi, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hooshyar Hossini and Zohreh Naderi (2020). Occurrence of Residual Organophosphorus Pesticides in soil of some Asian countries, Australia and Nigeria. Presented at : 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 October 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Volume 737.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, & Dilovan R. Ismael (2019). Land Use Land Cover Change in Zakho District, Kurdistan Region, Iraq: Past, Current and Future. 141-146. Proc. IEEExplore Digital Library, presented at 2019 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), Duhok, Iraq. 

Abdulkareem, S. A., Augustijn, P. W. M., Yaseen T. Mustafa, Musial K., & Filatova, T. (2018). The Impact of Social Versus Individual Learning for Agents’ Risk Perception During Epidemics. 297-298. Paper presented at 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

Mohammed H. Obeyed, Yaseen T. Mustafa, & Zeki M.  (2018). Estimating and Mapping Aboveground Biomass of Natural Quercus Aegilops Using WorldView-3 Imagery. Proc. IEEExplore Digital Library, presented at 2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), Duhok, Iraq.

Jian Hassanpour, Yaseen T. Mustafa, & Hendaf N. Habeeb (2018). Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Surface Water Area in Dohuk Governorate Using Remote Sensing & GIS. Proc. IEEExplore Digital Library, presented at   2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE), Duhok, Iraq. ,

Abdulkareem, S. A., Augustijn, P. W. M., Yaseen T. Mustafa, & Filatova, T. (2017). Integrating Spatial Intelligence for risk perception in an Agent Based Disease Model. 1-4. Paper presented at 2017 International Conference on GeoComputation, GeoComputation 2017, Leeds, United Kingdom. 

Shaheen A. Abdulkareem, Ellen-Wien Augustijn-Beckers, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Tatiana Filatova. (2016) Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Enhance Actors Decision Strategies in Socio-ecological Agent-Based Models. Presented at: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Toulouse, France, 10-14 July 2016.

Sheheen Abdulkareem, Ellen-Wien Augustijn, Tatiana Filatova, and Yaseen T. Mustafa. (2015) Including risk perception in agents’ cognitive decision – making processes: a case of cholera diffusion: poster. Presented at: Social simulation 2015, Groningen, Netherlands, 14-18 September 2015.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hindav N. Habeeb. (2014) Object based technique for delineating and mapping 15 tree species using VHR WorldView-2 imagery. Proc. SPIE 9239, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XVI, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22-25 September 2014.

Hindav Nasruladin Habeeb, Yaseen T. Mustafa. (2014) High Spatial Resolution WorldView-2 Imagery for Mapping and Classification of Tree Species in Zawita Sub-district, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq. In First Geographic Conference, Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq, 6-7 May 2014.

Nadhir Al-Ansari, Saleh Zakaria, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Payman Suhbat Ahmad, Bahra Dhahir Ghafour, Sven Knutsson. (2013) Development of Water Resources in Koya City, Iraq. In First International Symposium on Urban Development, Erbil, Kurdistan region-Iraq, 16 December 2013, p. 104-114.

Yaseen T. Mustafa. (2012) Spatio-temporal estimation of LAI in heterogeneous forests using satellite remote sensing. In 2nd International conference on Climate Change & Social Issues, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 28-29 November 2012, p. 104-114.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Alfred Stein, and Valentyn A. Tolpekin. (2012) Gaussian Bayesian network modeling to improve spatial growth estimates of heterogeneous forests. In ASPRS 2012 annual conference: Imaging and geospatial technologies into the future, Sacramento, USA, 19-23 March 2012.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Valentyn A. Tolpekin, and Alfred Stein. (2011) Application of the EM-algorithm for Bayesian network modelling to improve forest growth estimates. In: Spatial Statistics 2011 conference: Mapping Global Change, Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-25 March 2011.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Alfred Stein, and Valentyn A. Tolpekin. (2011) Improving forest growth estimates using a Bayesian network approach. In: ASPRS 2011 annual conference: Ride on the geospatial revolution, Milwaukee, USA, 15-20 May 2011.


Book Chapter

Azade Mehri, Hazhir Karimi, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, and Saman Galalizadeh (2024). Predicting Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model in Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In: Al-Quraishi, A.M.F., Mustafa, Y.T. (eds) Natural Resources Deterioration in MENA Region. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library. Springer, Cham.  

Hossini, H., Karimi, H., Yaseen T. Mustafa, Al-Quraishi, A.M.F. (2022). Role of Effective Factors on Soil Erosion and Land Degradation: A Review. In: Al-Quraishi, A.M.F., Yaseen T. Mustafa, Negm, A.M. (eds) Environmental Degradation in Asia. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library. Springer, Cham.

Hazhir Karimi, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Hooshyar Hossini & Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi (2022). Assessment of Land Degradation Vulnerability Using GIS-Based Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Zakho District, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, In: Al-Quraishi, A.M.F., Yaseen T. Mustafa, Negm, A.M. (eds) Environmental Degradation in Asia. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library. Springer, Cham.

Yaseen T. Mustafa (2019). Multi-temporal Satellite Data for Land Use/Cover (LULC) Change Detection in Zakho, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, In: Al-Quraishi A., Negm A. (eds) Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Iraq. Springer Water. Springer, Cham.


Book Editor

Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, and Yaseen T. Mustafa, (2024). Natural Resources Deterioration in MENA Region: Land Degradation, Soil Erosion, and Desertification. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library (EESL). SpringerLink.Cham. 

Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, Yaseen T. Mustafa, Abdelazim M. Negm (2022). Environmental Degradation in Asia: Land Degradation, Environmental Contamination, and Human Activities. Earth and Environmental Sciences Library. SpringerLink.Cham.

Yaseen T. Mustafa, Sattar Sadkhan, Subhi Zebari, Karwan Jacksi (2019). Recent Researches in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.


Yaseen Taha Mustafa, PhD

Professor of Applied Remote Sensing & GIS

University of Zakho,

P.O. Box 12, Zakho, Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq

Mobile: +9647504922553
